Grant Writing

Secure Funding for Your Projects with

Precision Grant Writing Services

Does your municipality or project management firm struggle to find the time or expertise to secure grant funding, especially for Canadian First Nations clients?
At Precision Writing, we understand the challenges of securing grant funding. Our ongoing grant research and writing services are designed to take the burden off your team, allowing you to focus on what you do best – delivering exceptional projects and services.

Why choose Precision Writing for your Grant Writing needs?

Increased Success Rate

Our experience navigating the grant application process significantly increases your chances of securing funding.


Grant writing is a time-consuming process. We handle the research, planning, writing, and editing, allowing you to focus on other pressing matters.

Access to Funding

We leverage extensive databases and resources to identify the most relevant grants for your organization and clients.

Customized Approach

We tailor each proposal to the specific requirements of each grant application, maximizing your likelihood of success.


Our team of professional grant writers has a proven track record of crafting winning proposals. We understand the intricacies of grant applications and can effectively present your projects and goals to funders.

A person wearing a white shirt types on a laptop placed on a wooden desk, perhaps immersed in grant writing. A white ceramic cup, a notepad, and a pen are also arranged neatly on the desk. Soft natural light comes in through a window in the background.

Our Work Plan:

We’ve developed a streamlined work plan designed to meet your ongoing needs while ensuring best value for your budget. Here’s an overview of the phases involved:

Phase 1: Project Kickoff (1 Week)

  • Contract Signing & Deposit
  • Material Handoff: Brand Guidelines & Project Details
  • Project Kickoff Meeting

Phase 2: Grant Readiness (4 Weeks )

  • Grant Identification: We’ll work with you to identify funding goals, research relevant grants, and develop a comprehensive grant database.
  • Eligibility Assessment: We’ll ensure your municipality meets all criteria for the identified grants.


  • Funding Goals & Grant Opportunity Report
  • Grant Database with Deadlines & Eligibility Criteria
  • Grant Readiness Assessment Report
  • Completed Eligibility Checklist

Phase 3: Preparing Grant Submissions (Variable Timeline)

  • Grant Management: We’ll handle application submission, monitor the status, and manage post-award grant agreements and reporting.
  • Grant Proposal Development: Working closely with your team, we’ll craft compelling proposals aligned with each grant’s specific requirements.
  • Budget Development: We collaborate with your finance team to develop accurate and compliant project budgets.
  • Grant Application Submission: We’ll manage the entire application process, ensuring all required materials are submitted on time.


  • Completed Grant Proposal
  • Detailed Project Budget
  • Supporting Documents
  • Interview/Presentation Materials (if required)
  • Post-submission Reporting & Tracking

Phase 4: Ongoing Grant Research

We’ll continuously monitor funding opportunities, update your grant database, and notify you of any relevant changes.

Ready to Secure Funding for Your Important Projects?

Contact Precision Writing today for a free consultation and learn how our ongoing grant research and writing services can streamline your grant application process and increase your success rate.

A smiling woman in a blue blazer and light blue shirt is writing in a notebook while standing in a modern office space with large windows.


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